Saturday, January 5, 2019

Buddha's Breath Meditation-Music

Buddha's Real Meditation

Everybody must know the real meditation

What is yoga? Potentially described it yogas chitta vritti nirodha? ramakrishna we go to patanjali the definition ofyoga Krishna said, Arjun had toward Arjuna, you become ayogi but what is yoga

We have to go to patanjali. Patanjali has defined in yoga as know that Cheetah Buthi Nirodaha. Cheetah is the main stuff. Buthie is the functioning of the Mind stuff. Nirodha me stopping. We must stop the functioning of that normal mind, the wandering mind, the monkeys mind.

Everybody has got monkey’s mind. Before meditation every mind is amonkey mind. After meditation every mind is a potential is mind a krishna's mind. Yeah, but that's mine. Before meditation. Everyone is a monkey's mind. Absolutely. Non stable.

So, we have to make the mind. A rock like thing, not add liquid like thing. A liquid moves here and there a rock, doesn't move anywhere. The liquid like mind should become a rock like a mind. Yes it should stay whatever it is. Put the transformation from the liquid state to Rock State roiled state

Is called a mountain. That happens when you are with your breath that has been given by Buddha. So we have got, three, three persons today, one is to Krishna, who said, you must become a yogi. Secondly, we have gone to potentially he said, yoga means controlling, the worldly, thoughts in the mind, wanderings of the mind and we go to the Buddha for the actual mechanism.

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